Masterplan of the area around the new tunnel linking Greenwich and Silvertown in south east London, including the architectural and landscaping design of the visible parts of the new tunnel including the operational buildings, the portals, tunnel linings and public realm to support the DCO submission.
Commissioned by TfL in 2015 and working with multi disciplinary inputs from Atkins and Arcadis, Fereday Pollard set about developing the area masterplan and the architectural detail for the new tunnel that formed the key part of the submission and ultimately the successful approval of the DCO in 2017. The overarching principles that informed our design direction included:
• Using a robust and innovative material palette and functional components to articulate the structures and a create potentially iconic landmark statement.
• Integrate landscape into the surrounding context and provide new surface linkages.
• Connect communities that have been severed by the existing road infrastructure through appropriate mitigation such as embedding public art into the built fabric and utilising a common design language.
• Sensitive lighting that not only fulfils a functional requirement but also brings interest and enhances townscape at night especially for the improved pedestrian and cycle lanes.
• Acknowledge that this is in an area of change that needs to be future proofed to accommodate an evolving urban context.